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What is Mission GPS?

The Mission GPS System consists of driver and passenger apps along with a web system that is used to manage jobs, schedules, live tracking, messaging and route-replay from within your office.

Mission GPS Web System

The Mission GPS Web System is included free of charge with each registered account, you do not have to pay to have an account, but you do need to be registered online to use the system or have a free trial. After your free trial, you only pay for each driver that uses the app in any month.

The web system is designed for transport managers and transport services to plan, edit, optimise and prepare all jobs. Jobs can be displayed on a map and there are two integrated messaging systems – the first is for “App Only” messaging, the second is standard SMS to any mobile.

Once you have registered an account you can set up your office users then import your drivers, vehicles, passengers, locations and any other information you require. The system will automatically create APP user accounts and passwords for drivers and passengers.

Trips are added to the Mission GPS Web System by spreadsheet imports or directly from the Mission Passenger Transport System. There is a template that will allow you to easily prepare your data and import it into the system. Once your trips have been created, they can be “cloned” to make new trips without importing again. These trips can have either lists of passengers or lists of “stops” with no passenger names, or a mix of both on one trip.

These trips are then automatically available for drivers and passengers using the app.

The Web System displays all the planned, in-progress and completed trips for any day past, present or future. It has full schedules; lists of drivers, passengers, providers, vehicles, accounts, messaging, mapping, detailed job information, import/export and trip optimization with sequence and timings. You can display future trips on a map, view live trips and replay any previous trips for analysis.

Benefits of Using the Mission GPS System

For Transport Managers
Peace of Mind
Live Customer Support
Live Route Tracking
Device Compatibility

Mission GPS Integration

The Mission GPS web system is fully integrated with mobile devices such as Android, Huawei & iOS, and our MPS Web Software (Mission 6) for easy navigation. We recommend using both systems to get the best out of this system.

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